Our certificate programs are Title 22 (CCLD) compliant and go towards meeting the educational requirements of the State of California's Community Care Licensing division of the Department of Social Services.

Child Growth and Development
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
In this course students explore the theories, research, and applications that are relevant to early childhood development from historical and contemporary points of view. Practical application of theories is made to help participants implement a developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports physical, cognitive, social, and development; encompassing the prenatal period, infancy, toddlerhood, the preschool years, middle childhood and adolescence.

S.T.E.M. for Preschool
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in Early Childhood Classrooms, Through Big Ideas offers a way to think about the future classroom and to meet the needs of children who come to, into it, with diverse experience, knowledge, and abilities. We change how we think about math and science for young children. Let’s look at the world the way the child does. Children think in terms of big ideas. In this course we focus on big ideas–like patterns, transformation, movement, balance, and relationships–as a way to think about content, and they integrate science and mathematics through these big ideas, rather than linking them topically.
In this course we take a look at why it is important to think about thinking, introduce assessment early to help the teacher plan for assessment before teaching even begins, and sets up an environment that will support the construction of the big ideas that integrate math and science. Real-life scenarios provide invaluable insights into the teacher’s thinking and planning. It’s a unique exploration of thinking and learning.

Adult Supervision & Leadership
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
This course covers the nature of leadership, how to be a leader in the various settings in early care and education, how to work in early childhood teams (staff, faculty, and other professionals) and with families, and how advocacy is a form of leadership. This course includes cases and reflection questions. Emphasizes that regardless of position, ALL early childhood professionals can be leaders in their field and help provide guidance for positively supporting early childhood professional through effective and reflective adult supervision.

Child, Family, & Community
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
In this course students explore how the child develops in a variety of contexts, including the family, community, and early childhood institutions. It gives the students the tools they need to become professionals who can work with both the children and parents in ways to support children in a healthy, secure, way to socialize with members of their families and eventually society. Guidance strategies are presented, as well as child-rearing strategies that parents, parent educators, and other professionals can put to immediate use.

Infant Toddler Development & Care
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
This course applies current theory and research to the care and education of infants and toddlers in group settings. Students will examine essential policies, principles and practices that lead to quality care and developmentally appropriate curriculum for children birth to 36 months. Students who complete this course will be able to apply the ongoing cycle of curriculum planning to develop learning opportunities for infants and/or toddlers that reflect their understanding of developmental stages and issues. The externship allows participants to work directly in the infant care center and gain experience. The hands-on experience of the externship gives participants the opportunity to practice by direct application of classroom learning through the development and refining of personal professional techniques for a safe and appropriate application of acquired knowledge of early childhood education and care for infants and toddlers. ITERS – Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale is a supplemental component of this course.

Preventive Health, Safety & Nutrition with Pediatric First-Aid & CPR
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
In this course students will demonstrate a piece of fundamental knowledge in basic skills of child health, safety and nutrition; demonstrate a basic knowledge of Title 22 requirements concerning health, safety and nutrition; plan and prepare a menu of healthy snacks and meals according to Title 22 requirements and the Food Guide Pyramid; demonstrate the capacity to develop an Emergency/ Disaster plan and Receive a Pediatric CPR and First Aid card.

Program Curriculum Theories, Methods, & Materials
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
In this course students explore developing an integrated approach to curriculum and instruction in the early years. Students will address all aspects of classroom life, including the roles of children and adults; the physical and social environments; and learning and assessing within multiple domains for children. Students will learn about practical, research-based guidelines for translating theory into best practice that accommodates age-appropriateness, individual differences, and social and cultural diversity. Students learn how to conceptualize, plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum through detailed application opportunities. ECERS – Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale is a supplemental component of this course.

Early Childhood Program Administration & Management
Units: 3
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 15
Course Completion Hours: 90
*For students pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™, this course can be applied toward the formal education requirement.
This course addresses the latest trends affecting the child care workforce and provides specific guidance for recruiting, hiring, and retaining quality personnel, including job descriptions and hiring practices. The role of the Program Administrator as a mentor, coach, and instructional leader are covered, along with important business issues within the Administrator’s responsibilities, such as financial planning, and budget development and management, how to use social media effectively, program evaluation, facility planning and management for private child and infant care centers, faith-based center programs, family child care homes, and a variety of other programs including state and federal operations. Students will review governmental regulations, licensing, certifications, and accreditation. PAS – Program Administration Scale is a supplemental component of this course.
The three (3) components need to be completed within 90-days including attendance of the 2-day lecture.
Independent Study and Reading Assignments:
Once enrollment has been completed students will receive their course syllabus that consists of their class assignments, policies and required Independent Study and Reading Assignments. Assignments can be completed up to 90 days after attending the 2-day lecture. The number of assignments varies from course to course for an average of about 5 assignments per course.
The 15-hour lecture can be completed by either attending in-person at our Carlsbad facility or by attending on-line the very same lecture in a live interactive online classroom. In this live environment, you will be able to see, hear, and interact with the instructor, the on-site students, and online students.
Delivery Methods
Theoria Technical College has two-course delivery methods.
On-site at our School Campus: 5857 Owens Avenue, Suite 300, Carlsbad, Ca 92008
Online (Distance Education) in our live-interactive virtual learning environment.
The practicum is like work experience. Students are required to complete 45 hours of practicum at the center they are currently working at or volunteering at a licensed child care facility. If students need assistance in locating a volunteer practicum location, they should contact Theoria's Operations Department who will try to help with placement.